Educational Adviser

4 weeks ago

Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom The Open University Full time

Weekly Working Hours: 37

Fixed Term Contract: End Date: Not Applicable

Welsh Language Standard: Essential

Job Description:

Change your career, change lives

The Open University is the UK's largest university, a world leader in flexible part-time education combining a mission to widen access to higher education with research excellence, transforming lives through education.

About the Role

This is a specialist guidance role within our team of professionally-qualified Educational Advisers. Working bilingually across a number of contact channels, the core purpose of this role is to support students in Wales to succeed in achieving their educational goals. The ability to speak fluent Welsh is a requirement for the role as the post holder will be responsible for Welsh-medium educational guidance provision as part of the University's on-going commitment to the delivery of bilingual services across Wales.

The post holder will contribute to the design and delivery of training and development for student-facing staff, Associate Lecturers (ALs) and other academic staff. They will support quality assurance of our Welsh language service, applying Matrix IAG principles and contributing to continuous quality improvement of services in Wales.

In addition, the post holder will provide leadership on the development of Welsh language considerations on student-facing University policies or processes and develop a specialist knowledge of Welsh-medium opportunities within the Open University curriculum. They will use this specialist knowledge to inform the digital student experience for Welsh-speaking students across OU platforms and support the development of the University's bilingual communication with students.

Skills and Experience

Do you hold a degree or an appropriate professional qualification or equivalent skills and experience in providing educational advice and guidance services?

Can you speak fluent English and Welsh?

Do you have a high level of initiative and willingness to take ownership of issues to resolve them?

Do you have the time management skills needed to ensure that work is carried out effectively and efficiently?

Do you have a sound understanding and commitment to equal opportunities and diversity?

Can you be flexible and calm while maintaining perspective when assisting challenging clients?

Key Responsibilities

  • Provide proactive and reactive bilingual guidance and complex educational support to students to support them to make appropriate decisions about their studies, both in relation to their own needs and the Open University's policies.
  • Act as the point of escalation for students and potential students requiring guidance and complex support, using judgement and professional expertise to refer to specialist services where necessary.
  • Act as a subject matter expert and contact point for Welsh language in relation to student-facing policies and processes, contributing to the development of other staff and acting as a point if referral where necessary.
  • Monitor and evaluate policies and procedures to assure the continuous quality and improvement of Welsh language services to students and enquirers.
  • Accurately record and maintain student and enquirer details and discussions on university systems and databases.
  • Contribute to the development of the University's Student Recruitment and Support operations within Wales with a focus on promoting student retention, progression and satisfaction.
  • Develop and deliver training to Associate Lecturers and to other academic staff relating to student support, including on Welsh Language legislation, policies and procedures.
  • Contribute to the design, development and evaluation of online and written information, materials and systems to meet educational and/or operational needs.
  • To continually develop skills and knowledge to maintain and improve personal performance, adopting evolving business practices and procedures.

What you get in return

We have a strong commitment to providing training and development in and beyond your current role. This includes thorough induction into the organisation and regular reviews of your training and development needs.

We also offer a great range of benefits that support our employees and their families for the long term. Benefits include an attractive pension scheme and 33 days holiday per annum for support staff, plus Bank Holidays and Christmas closure days although this role may require some flexibility to service the needs of the business.

Job Description

Download Job Description

Contact us

If you have any queries or questions about the recruitment process, or regarding your application, please contact:

The Open University is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion which is reflected in our mission to be open to people, places, methods and ideas. We aim to foster a diverse and inclusive environment so that all in our OU community can reach their potential. We recognise that different people bring different perspectives, ideas, knowledge, and culture, and that this difference brings great strength. We strive to recruit, retain and develop the careers of a diverse pool of students and staff, and particularly encourage applications from all underrepresented groups. We also aspire to make The Open University a supportive workplace for all through our policies, services and staff networks.

Teitl Swydd: Cynghorydd Addysgol (Iaith Gymraeg)

ID y cais: 221

Lleoliad y Swydd: Cardiff

Gweinyddiaeth: The Open University in Wales

Salary: £37,099 to £44,263

Closing Date: 11/09/24

Weekly Working Hours: 37

Math o Gontract: Parhaol

Fixed Term Contract: End Date:

Welsh Language Standard: Essential

Disgrifiad Swydd:

Newid eich gyrfa, newid bywydau

Y Brifysgol Agored yw prifysgol fwyaf y DU, ac mae'n un o arweinwyr y byd ym maes addysg ran-amser hyblyg sy'n cyfuno cenhadaeth i ehangu mynediad at addysg uwch â rhagoriaeth ym maes ymchwil, gan drawsnewid bywydau drwy addysg.

Y rôl

Rydym yn chwilio am unigolyn llawn cymhelliant ac amryddawn i gefnogi ein myfyrwyr ac ymholwyr i gyrraedd eu nodau addysg. Mae hon yn rôl arweiniad addysgol gyffredinol sy'n cwmpasu pob rhan o'r Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth, Cyngor ac Arweiniad lle y byddwch yn canolbwyntio ar ddarparu a datblygu'r tîm Cymorth a Recriwtio Myfyrwyr er budd darpar fyfyrwyr a myfyrwyr presennol. Byddwch yn rhoi cyngor ac arweiniad addysgol ar gyrsiau, cymwysterau, rheoliadau, gyrfaoedd a chymorth wrth ddilyn y cwrs ar ddibenion paratoi, sefydlu a datblygu sgiliau dysgu, a hynny dros y ffôn a'r e-bost yn bennaf. Bydd yn ofynnol i chi gyflawni'r rôl hon yn gwbl ddwyieithog, felly mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn siaradwr Cymraeg a Saesneg rhugl.

Bydd deiliad y swydd yn gweithio o fewn adran Recriwtio a Chymorth Myfyrwyr yn Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru, ond bydd disgwyl i chi weithio'n agos gyda chydweithwyr eraill yn Y Brifysgol.

Byddwch yn meddu ar radd a/neu gymhwyster proffesiynol priodol, neu sgiliau cyfatebol a phrofiad yn gysylltiedig yn benodol â darparu arweiniad addysgol a chymorth i fyfyrwyr ym maes addysg i oedolion, addysg bellach neu addysg uwch a dysgu o bell, a bod yn siaradwr Cymraeg a Saesneg rhugl.

Sgiliau a phrofiad

Ydych chi'n meddu ar radd neu gymhwyster proffesiynol priodol neu sgiliau a phrofiad cyfatebol wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau cyngor ac arweiniad addysgol?
Allwch siarad Cymraeg?
A oes gennych lefel uchel o flaengaredd a pharodrwydd i gymryd cyfrifoldeb am faterion a'u datrys?
A oes gennych y sgiliau rheoli amser sydd eu hangen er mwyn sicrhau y caiff gwaith ei gyflawni'n effeithiol ac yn effeithlon?
A oes gennych ddealltwriaeth gadarn o gyfle cyfartal ac amrywiaeth ac ymrwymiad iddynt?
A allwch fod yn hyblyg ac yn ddigynnwrf wrth gynnal safbwynt tra'n cynorthwyo cleientiaid heriol?

Cyfrifoldebau Allweddol

Rhoi arweiniad dwyieithog rhagweithiol ac ymatebol a chymorth addysgol cymhleth i fyfyrwyr i'w cefnogi i wneud penderfyniadau priodol ynghylch eu hastudiaethau, o ran eu hanghenion eu hunain a pholisïau'r Brifysgol Agored.
Gweithredu fel y cyswllt uwchgyfeirio ar gyfer myfyrwyr a darpar fyfyrwyr sydd angen arweiniad a chymorth cymhleth, gan ddefnyddio barn ac arbenigedd proffesiynol i atgyfeirio at wasanaethau arbenigol lle bo angen.
Ymddwyn fel arbenigwr pwnc a phwynt cyswllt ar gyfer yr iaith Gymraeg mewn perthynas â pholisïau a phrosesau sy'n ymwneud â myfyrwyr, gan gyfrannu at ddatblygiad y staff eraill ac ymddwyn fel pwynt cyfeirio pan fo angen.
Monitro a gwerthuso polisïau a gweithdrefnau i sicrhau bod ansawdd a gwelliannau'r gwasanaethau iaith Gymraeg yn parhau i fyfyrwyr ac ymholwyr.
Cadw cofnod cywir o fanylion myfyrwyr ac ymholwyr a thrafodaethau ar systemau a chronfeydd data'r Brifysgol.
Cyfrannu at ddatblygu gweithrediadau Recriwtio Myfyrwyr a Chymorth y Brifysgol gan ganolbwyntio ar hyrwyddo cyfraddau cadw, datblygiad a boddhad myfyrwyr yng Nghymru.
Datblygu a chyflwyno hyfforddiant i Ddarlithwyr Cyswllt ac aelodau eraill o'r staff academaidd mewn perthynas â chymorth i fyfyrwyr, gan gynnwys deddfwriaeth yr Iaith Gymraeg, a pholisïau a gweithdrefnau.
Cyfrannu at gynllunio, datblygu a gwerthuso gwybodaeth, deunyddiau a systemau ar-lein ac ysgrifenedig er mwyn diwallu anghenion addysgol a/neu anghenion gweithredol.
Datblygu sgiliau a gwybodaeth yn barhaus i gynnal a gwella perfformiad personol, gan fabwysiadu arferion a gweithdrefnau busnes sy'n esblygu.

Yr hyn a gewch yn ôl

Mae gennym ymrwymiad cadarn i ddarparu hyfforddiant a chyfleoedd datblygu fel rhan o'ch rôl bresennol a thu hwnt. Mae hyn yn cynnwys proses sefydlu drylwyr yn y sefydliad ac adolygiadau rheolaidd o'ch anghenion hyfforddiant a datblygu.

Rydym hefyd yn cynnig amrywiaeth wych o fuddiannau sy'n cefnogi ein cyflogeion a'u teuluoedd yn yr hirdymor. Mae'r buddiannau'n cynnwys cynllun pensiwn deniadol a 33 diwrnod o wyliau bob blwyddyn i staff cymorth, yn ogystal â Gwyliau Banc a diwrnodau dros y Nadolig pan fydd y swyddfa ar gau. Fodd bynnag, mae'n bosibl y bydd y rôl hon yn gofyn am ychydig o hyblygrwydd er mwyn gwasanaethu anghenion y busnes.

Disgrifiad Swydd

Lawrlwythwch Swydd Ddisgrifiad

Mae'r Brifysgol Agored wedi ymrwymo i gydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant a adlewyrchir yn ein cenhadaeth i fod yn agored i bobl, lleoedd, dulliau a syniadau. Ein nod yw meithrin amgylchedd amrywiol a chynhwysol fel y gall pawb yng nghymuned y Brifysgol Agored gyrraedd eu potensial. Rydym yn cydnabod bod gwahanol bobl yn cynnig gwahanol safbwyntiau, syniadau, gwybodaeth, a diwylliant, a bod y gwahaniaeth hwn yn cynnig cryfder mawr. Rydym yn ymdrechu i recriwtio, cadw a datblygu gyrfaoedd cronfa amrywiol o fyfyrwyr a staff, ac yn arbennig yn annog ceisiadau gan bob grŵp heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol. Rydym hefyd yn anelu at wneud y Brifysgol Agored yn weithle cefnogol i bawb trwy ein polisïau, gwasanaethau a rhwydweithiau staff.

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