Specialist in Anaesthesia

2 weeks ago

Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom Leeds Teaching Hospitals Full time

Job summary

Theseare 10 PA specialist anaesthetist posts. Two posts will be available as soon aspossible.

Theposts will deliver 10 PAs supporting the anaesthetic team at the Leeds GeneralInfirmary and St Jamess University Hospital Leeds.

Thesuccessful applicants should hold accreditation in FRCA in the Royal College ofAnaesthetists or equivalent and should be on the Specialist Register or withinsix months of being admitted to the Register for trainees if currently in atraining programme within the UK at the time of interview or have referenceswhich have been authorised by the Deputy Medical Director and ClinicalDirector.

Applicantsshould have established skills in anaesthesia, excellent communication and teamworking skills, a strong commitment to teaching and service development areessential.

Considerationwill be given to applicants who wish to work full or part time and thosewishing to job share. Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit thehospital, which can be arranged by contacting:

DrSharmeen Lotia Clinical Director Theatres &Anaesthetics -

DrClaire Tordoff Lead Clinician Theatres & AnaestheticsSJUH -

DrMarelize Van-Gruenen Lead Clinician Theatres & Anaesthetics LGI

DrOliver Martin Lead Clinician Theatres & AnaestheticsLGI -

Main duties of the job



TheTrust expects specialists in anaesthesia to deliver clinical services as agreedwith commissioners and other stakeholders.This will include:

meeting the objectives of the post(see above)

continuously improving the qualityand efficiency of personal and team practice

working with other staff and teams toensure that the various criteria for service delivery are met, such as -

oachieving the best clinical outcomeswithin the resources available

o waiting times

o infection control standards

Specialistsin Anaesthesia in LTHT are line managed by their specialty Lead Clinicianworking in conjunction with a Business Manager.This specialty team is then managed alongside a number of otherspecialties in a Clinical Service (or Support) Unit (CSU) led by a ClinicalDirector as the responsible person and supported by a full time General Managerand a full time Head of Nursing.

TheClinical Director and their team report operationally to the Chief OperatingOfficer (COO). The Clinical Director will work closely with the Chief OperatingOfficers team which includes three Medical Directors for Operations, NurseDirectors for Operations, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Directors of Operations (DOP) and aPerformance Team, with each DOP aligned to specific CSUs.

Professionally,Specialists in Anaesthesia report to Dr Sharmeen Lotia, Clinical Director ofT&A and in turn to the Chief Medical Officer

Please see enclosed JD for details.

About us

LeedsTeaching Hospitals is one the largest teaching hospital trusts in Europe, withaccess to leading clinical expertise and medical technology. We care for people from all over the countryas well as the 780,000 residents of Leeds itself. The Trust has a budget of £ billion. Our 20,000 staff ensure that every year wesee and treat over 1,500,000 people in our 2,000 beds or out-patient settings,comprising 100,000 day cases, 125,000 in-patients, 260,000 A&E visits and1,050,000 out-patient appointments. Weoperate from 7 hospitals on 5 sites all linked by the same vision, philosophyand culture to be the best for specialist and integrated care.

Leeds Teaching Hospitals is committed to our processof redeploying 'at risk' members of our existing workforce to new roles. Assuch, all our job adverts are subject to this policy and we reserve the rightto close, delay or remove adverts while this process is completed. If you doexperience a delay in the shortlisting stage of the recruitment cycle, pleasebear with us while this process is completed, and contact the named contact ifyou have any questions.

Job description

Job responsibilities

Ourvision is based on The Leeds Way, which is a clear statement of who we are andwhat we believe, founded on values of working that were put forward by our ownstaff. Our values are to be:






Webelieve that by being true to these values, we will consistently achieve and continuouslyimprove our results in relation to our goals, which are to be:

1. The best for patient safety, qualityand experience2. The best place to work

3. A centre of excellence for specialistservices, education, research and innovation

4. Hospitals that offer seamless,integrated care

5. Financially sustainable

LeedsTeaching Hospitals NHS Trust is part of the West Yorkshire Association of AcuteTrusts (WYAAT), a collaborative of the NHS hospital trusts from across WestYorkshire and Harrogate working together to provide the best possible care forour patients.

Bybringing together the wide range of skills and expertise across West Yorkshireand Harrogate we are working differently, innovating and driving forward changeto deliver the highest quality care. Byworking for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust this is your opportunity to be apart of that change.

WYAATis the acute sector arm of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and CarePartnership, one of the largest integrated care systems in the country. ThePartnerships ambition is for everyone to have the best possible health andwellbeing, and the work of WYAAT, and each individual trust, supports thatambition.


1. To work with trainees and Consultantcolleagues in the provision of a comprehensive

anaesthetic service in the Leeds TeachingHospitals NHS Trust.

2. To develop and/or consolidate expertisein anaesthesia.

3. To maintain and expand the excellenceof teaching and research already established

within the Trust.

4. To develop services for the specialty,taking account of the changes in clinical practice and

new technologies available.

5. To participate in and progress ClinicalGovernance.



TheTrust has a programme of activities that are designed to help Specialistsimprove the quality of the service they offer.This includes a range of activities shown below as examples not allactivities can be undertaken every yearSpecialists are expected to routinely engage in relevant activities intheir specialty that are focussed on quality improvement. This participation should be reflected atannual appraisal and job planning and will be discussed in specialties as partof clinical governance programmes and meetings.

ClinicalAudit and standard setting

Clinical audit projects

Development and application of agreedclinical guidelines

Ensuring compliance against relevantnational specifications, NICE guidelines

External Peer review and relevantnational audits

Implement improvements identified inGIRFT reviews

Clinicaloutcome review

Mortality and morbidity reviews

Structured Judgement Reviews

Monitoring of outcomes reflected inroutinely collected data

Participation in clinical codingreview and improvement

Improvingpatient safety

Participation in Trust-wideprogrammes, including mandatory learning

Respond to national patient safetyalerts

Implementation of local improvements,including actions from serious incident investigation reports, followingclinical review

Promptly record patient safetyincidents on Datix and immediately escalate potential serious incidents to theCSU management team

Ensure Duty of Candour requirementsare met

Improvingservice effectiveness and efficiency

Service or system improvementprojects, including small scale change, lean or other recognised improvementmethods

Conducting or considering reviews ofthe evidence to plan better service delivery

Where agreed, working with commissionersto match service delivery with requirements of relevant populationsImprovingthe patient experience

Implementing service improvementsbased on individual or service feedback from patients or carers

Raising the profile and impact ofpatient participation in decisions about their own care

Involvement in understanding andimproving the ethical basis of care provided, utilising where necessary thetrusts clinical ethics committee

Respond to complaints in a timely andopen manner and ensure lessons are learned for future patient care


TheTrusts Research Strategy encourages all clinicians to participate in highquality, nationally recognised clinical research trials and other well-designedstudies, with a particular emphasis on work supported by the National Institutefor Health Research. The Trust has several major programmes in experimentalmedicine and applied health research, developed in partnership with theUniversity of Leeds, which reflect strengths described in the Strategy andclinicians are encouraged to participate in these programmes.

TheTrust also supports bespoke academic development and participation programmeslinked to the Research Strategy, including academic mentoring, and embedding ofclinicians within the major research programmes.

Sessionaltime required for any participation in research activity will be agreed oncommencement and kept under review, but not all consultants will require suchsessional time.


TheTrust is a Teaching Hospital and therefore considers the active participationof specialists and other medical staff in teaching and training to be part ofour core activities. Not all specialistswill have regular and substantial teaching commitments, but all will beinvolved in related activities from time to time, if only through informalopportunities, for example as part of service quality improvement (see above).It is therefore expected that all specialists will be familiar with theprinciples of effective teaching and will enable the service and colleagues tofulfil their obligations to learn and teach about effective care.

Theremainder of this section concentrates on teaching and training for medicalcolleagues, but the Trust actively supports and encourages medical staff toparticipate in and deliver teaching and training to any colleagues, within andoutside of the Trust, where this is agreed as an appropriate time commitment.

Undergraduatemedical teaching

TheTrust actively promotes links with the University of Leeds, School of Medicinefor teaching medical undergraduates and all clinical medical staff are requiredto participate to the level agreed within their service.

Whereit is agreed by the Clinical Director that the postholder will be significantlyinvolved in delivering undergraduate medical teaching, the followingrequirements have been agreed with School of Medicine, University of Leeds.

Postgraduatemedical teaching

Aswith undergraduate teaching, specialists are expected to contribute to overallprogrammes of postgraduate teaching in their service. Where there is a lead orsignificant role agreed as part of the specialists job plan, the followingexpectations apply:

Specialistswill be expected to act as a clinical supervisor for any or specified juniordoctors working with them. All Specialists must undergo clinical/educationalsupervisor training. Training is envisaged as needing renewal every 5 years.

Specialistsmay take up specific educational roles in the speciality which includeseducational supervisor. The core SPA includes SPA for educational supervision of 2 trainees. If theSpecialist is not an educational supervisor, then alternative activities (specialty audit lead etc.) should be substituted instead.

Ifthe Specialists have a role in either under- or post-graduate medicaleducation, the GMC expects that evidence of the quality of this education ispresented at annual appraisals.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Inthe discharge of their responsibilities, the specialist in anaesthesia will beexpected to maintain and update their skills and knowledge through appropriatecontinuing professional development.

TheTrust fully supports the requirement for CPD by the relevant Royal College andthe GMC. This essential component of aspecialist in anaesthesia professional activities will be reviewed during theappraisal process. Time and financial support for these activities will beallowed in accordance with the Trust policy.


AllSpecialists in anaesthesia are senior members of the Trusts staff and aretherefore seen by colleagues as leaders. Specialists in anaesthesia areexpected to make allowance for this, given that the most powerful leadershipinfluence they exert is the example they set.

Inaddition, the Trust places great emphasis on the role of doctors in leadingservice improvement and change, both in their normal daily role of deliveringcare and in relation to specific issues.It is expected that a Specialist in anaesthesia will lead on specificareas of priority for their service from time to time, as part of theirduties. Such departmental or Specialtyleadership roles would be agreed, for example, in respect of leading orco-ordinating:

clinical governance

quality improvement




TheTrust supports these activities as part of the normal job plan commitments ofany Specialist in anaesthesia. On appointment, all Specialists will be encouragedto participate in the activities established by the Trust to support doctors intheir new role, a mentor will be assigned.

JOBPLAN AND WORKING ARRANGEMENTS - 10 PAsThejob plan review will take place annually, normally with the Lead Clinician / ClinicalDirector. Any job plan review may resultin a revised prospective job plan where duties, responsibilities,accountability arrangements or objectives have changed or need to changesignificantly within the area..

Please see enclosed JD for details.

Person Specification



Ability to lead diverse teams within all areas of the hospital Understands own leadership style and its impact on others Demonstrated ability to develop effective relationships across teams, contributing to their successful working Demonstrates ability to challenge others, escalating concerns when necessary Critically reflects on decision-making explaining them effectively to others. Takes prompt action to ensure a high standard of safety and quality of patient care Ability to collaborate with hospital teams to manage risk Active and consistent engagement with local quality improvement projects and Clinical Governance sessions Evaluates and instigates initial management of safeguarding concerns.


Undertaken training in management and / or team working Participates in regional or national quality improvement projects Implements evidence-based change to improve patient care Undertaken training in quality improvement methodology

Clinical, Academic, and Personal Skills


Meets the requirements of a Sessional Supervisor, as defined by the RCoA Critically assesses learning requirements for self and others Evaluates, reflects and acts on the effectiveness of education and learning Creates effective learning opportunities for medical and para-medical colleagues Keeps up-to-date with current research and best practice Locates and uses clinical guidelines appropriately Critically appraises and understands the relevance of research evidence in anaesthesia Supports any research activities being undertaken within the Trust as required


Plans and provides effective teaching and training activities Meets the requirements of a clinical/ educational supervisor, as defined by the GMC Formal educational qualification Life support instructor Undertakes significant involvement in clinical research Presentations at regional and national meetings Publications in peer reviewed journal Undertaken training in research methodology

Additional Requirements


Understanding of clinical governance systems



Full registration and a License to Practice with the General Medical Council Minimum of 12 years medical experience since primary medical qualification Minimum of 6 years as SAS grade or equivalent in anaesthesia


Post-graduate professional qualification in Anaesthesia

Eligibility, Fitness to practice, and Language Skills


Adheres to professional requirements of annual appraisal, job planning and reviews of performance and progression Demonstrates the professional values and behaviours set out in Good Medical Practice. Provides safe and effective general and regional anaesthesia, and procedural sedation, independently for all patients Demonstrated ability to manage patients with complex needs whilst remaining aware of their own limitations Provides safe and effective care for critically ill patients with specialist help and guidance Ability to lead resuscitation teams and safely transfer critically ill patients Communicates effectively with patients, relatives, and carers, placing them at the centre of the care pathway Capable of working with patients to reduce the risks associated with surgery


Demonstrated ability to provide safe and effective immediate care for critically ill adults ALS/ATLS/APLS/EPLS Previous experience working in the NHS

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