NICHD Neuroanatomist

1 month ago

Bethesda, United Kingdom PriceSenz Full time

Location : BethesdaState & Zip: MD 20892

Weekly Hours FT: 3040 hours per weekTotal No. of Hours : 40

Overall Position Summary andObjectives

Scientific Support forNeuroanatomical and Neuroimaging Analysis of NonHuman Primate (NHP)and Human Brain. The Section on Quantitative Imaging and TissueSciences (SQITS) National Institute of Child Health and HumanDevelopment (NICHD) is engaged in an array of neuroanatomical andneuroimaging research activities with the longterm application ofclinical translation to assess normal and abnormal developmentdegeneration aging and trauma using novel quantitative MagneticResonance (MR) imaging biomarkers.

MinEducation Masters

Resume MaxPages 15

Payrate $79 hourly onW2

Certifications &Licenses

  • Minimumscientific training would be a Ph.D. or comparable advanced degreein cell or tissue biology or related disciplines with an expertisein vital microscopy and low field NMR profiling.

Skills (Ranked byPriority)

  1. Knowledge andexperience in neurobiology is a requirement. Significantpostdoctoral research experience and training (greater than sevenyears) are also required.

1 2 3 4 5 represents priorityrankings where 1 is highest priority and 5 is lowest priority ofthose ranked


  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook

Field of Study

  • Miscellaneous Biology

Statement of Work Details

Supports the planning and execution of researchexperiments in the context of the laboratorys overall researchprogram.

  • Evaluate newtechniques instruments and software for potential incorporationinto current SOP.
  • Advance the science in thelaboratory through new procedures and discoveries.
  • Design and conduct experiments and studies requiring theapplication of a broad professional knowledge of scientifictheories and principles.
  • Advance the sciencethrough proposing and investigating new target projects forinitiation based on novelty and relevance to humanhealth.
  • Sophisticated skills knowledge andexperience to perform specific functions to elucidate the structureand organization of NHP and human brain tissue including the studyof layers and columns and deep brain areas and their connectivity
  • Contractor should have excellent familiaritywith below required experimental methods:

a. Dissecting and various types of light fluorescence andstaining methods of neural tissue.

b.Fluorescence light microscopy of fixed tissues expressing variousstains and fluorescent proteins.

c. Copy andimage acquisition or digitization

d. Knowledgeof MRI methods that can be used to image fixed tissue.

e. Combining correlating and integrating histological andMR imaging methods

Supports laboratorystaff on research projects and techniques.

  • Work with staff on the interpretation ofexperiments performed by research scientists.
  • Independently direct and conduct special researchprojects that have a high priority for the laboratory with specialemphasis in the development of novel researchtreatments.
  • Work with postdoc/biologicalscientists to perform statistical analysis for research projects.

Maintains laboratoryequipment and the training of others in theiruse.

  • Provide advice andassistance to users in designing experiments using instrumentationdata acquisition and analysis and preparing figures forpublication.

Assists inmaintaining adequate space and facilities for ongoing and projectedresearch studies.

  • Submitand gain approval of laboratory animal study protocols.
  • Manage scientific equipment and resources (e.g. reagentsstocks of frozen sells animal samples) including acquisitiondocumentation and storage.
  • Participate in thelaboratorys review of future proposals for resourceallocations.

Evaluatesanalyses and interprets research data communicates results andmethods in reports presentations andmanuscripts.

  • Writetechnical reports and prepare manuscripts.
  • Oversee project data quality; analyze and interpretproject data.
  • Conduct bioinformatics dataanalyses and statistical analyses; prepare data for abstracts andmanuscripts.
  • Maintain a detailed and uptodateelectronic laboratory notebook detailing allexperiments.
  • Contractor should separately andcollaboratively analyze data collected in various imaging andhistology experiments above and produce detailed written reports offindings abstracts journal articles posters and other publicationsincluding employee invention reports (EIRs) book chapters reportsPowerPoint slides and other indicia of productivity. Minimumscientific training would be a Ph.D. or comparable advanced degreeand training neuroscience particularly neuroanatomy and histology.Significant postdoctoral research experience and training (greaterthan seven years) are also required.3

Coordinates with junior staff to modify researchprotocols.

  • Work withPrincipal Investigators in scheduling and prioritizing instrumentusage.
  • Suggest alternative or complementaryapproaches to experiments.

Presents research at national scientific meetingsand symposia.

  • Prepare oralpresentations and posters for internal and externalgroups/conferences.
  • Coauthor manuscripts onresearch projects; publish in peerreviewed journals.
  • Write papers and abstracts detailing research efforts andresults for publication in peerreviewed journals; preparePowerPoint presentations as appropriate.
  • Review edit and as needed write first drafts of papersposters and manuscripts.
  • Give posters andpresentations detailing work at regional and national scientificmeetings.
  • Present results of clinical andexperimental research at recognized scientific meetings by lecturesand exhibits (poster sessions).

Provides interpretation of results guidance andscientific support to the management team.

  • Search existing literature for new and/orrelevant techniques.
  • Assist the lab staff inthe creation and preparation of a variety of documents required bythe labs scientific activities.

Mentors junior levelscientists.