Admiral Nurse
2 days ago
Job summary In collaboration with DementiaUK, an opportunity has arisen for a Registered Nurse with proven managementknowledge and clinical experience in dementia care to join the Admiral NurseTeam within Navigo CIC.
Admiral Nurses are specialistdementia nurses who work in the community to support family carers of peoplewith who have complex needs.
Admiral Nurses also offerconsultancy to other professionals involved in providing care for people withdementia.
The hours will be Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
We are looking for anurse who is passionate about dementia and who has an interest in using this tocontinue the development of the Admiral Nurse Team.
To find out moreabout the role of an Admiral Nurse, candidates are encouraged to completeDementia UK's free online: Pre Admiral Nurse eLearning Course.
This could be inadvance of the interviews or upon an offer of employment being made.
Main duties of the job You may workwith several members of the family where there is more than one carer.
Skillsin counselling and group work are an advantage in this post.
Some conference,teaching and presentation work is part of this role and the post-holder willeither have or be prepared to develop these skills.
The post-holder will jointhe national network of Admiral Nurses and will benefit from the practicedevelopment framework for Admiral Nursing provided by Dementia UK.
This offerspractice development, facilitated clinical supervision, training and educationopportunities and support with research, evaluation and audit.
About us HelloWe are Navigo.
We look after North East Lincolnshire's mental health and well-being.
We are an award-winning social enterprise thatprovides mental health services to the NHS and beyond.The whole basis of our work isto deliver services that we would be happy for our own family to use.We offer a range of mentalhealth services, including acute and community facilities as well as specialistsupport such as outstanding older adults inpatient services, rehabilitationand recovery community mental health and an outstanding specialist eatingdisorder facility.Ranked as one of the top UKcompanies to work for, we featured in the Best Companies top 100 large companylist and were named sixth best health and social care company 2023.As a social enterprise, we dothings a little bit differently and have also developed income-generating commerciallyviable businesses that provide training, education and employment opportunitiesincluding Grimsby Garden Centre and two cafes.Working at Navigo is not likeworking anywhere else.
Lots of places say that, but we really mean it.We like to work withforward-thinking people who want to make a difference.Come join us
Job description Job responsibilities Caseload1.
To developand maintain a caseload of family carers and meet the multiple and oftencomplex needs of these through ongoing assessment and review of health andwellbeing and the development, implementation and evaluation of care plans 2.
Advise on,recommend and provide a range of effective interventions at any time point frompre diagnosis to beyond the death of the person cared for, paying particularattention to loss, transitions and changing relationships as times of potentialstress.
Promotethe acquisition of new skills and competencies for carers to enhanceunderstanding and cope with challenges and difficulties they may meet, forexample changing relationships and behaviours that challenge, and to promotegood communication between carers and all others involved in the care of theperson with dementia.
Provide arange of psychological and social interventions to promote health and wellbeingof family carers, and assist with the alleviation, prevention and management ofstress, depression, and anxiety related to the caring role.
Liaisewith GPs and primary health care practitioners, and statutory and voluntaryagencies regarding the best possible care for the person with dementia, andpromote understanding of carer needs.6.
To promotethe health and wellbeing of carers and people with dementia in line with healthand social care policy, guidelines and legislation 7.
To act asadvocates for carers (with permission) to facilitate access to services andinfluence care provision 8.
Toidentify development options for addressing inequality and to contribute tostrategies designed to improve access to services for people who are sociallyexcluded.
To ensurethat care is delivered in accordance with Admiral Nurse Service Standards andother relevant local and national standards, such as those recommended inNational Service Frameworks for Older People and Mental Health and otherequivalent policy across the UK.
Toorganise own work under supervision of clinical lead admiral nurse and work aspart of larger multi-professional team 11.
To recognisethe limits of own competency and professional boundaries and to makeappropriate and timely referral in respect of carer's needs 12.
Tofacilitate and participate as necessary and appropriate in case conferences,care programme approach meetings, network meetings and similar giving feedbackand liaising with other professionals involved in care of the person withdementia.
Toparticipate in and make effective use of clinical supervision opportunities asprovided14.
To ensureall nursing practice is carried out in accordance with the agreed policies andprocedures of NAViGO CIC and the NMC code of conduct, and other relevantnursing policy, and that all equipment and technologies used are appropriateand effective 15.
Tocontribute to development of policies, procedures and protocols relevant toAdmiral nursing and the health and well being of the client group 16.
Toprovide consultancy to others working in dementia care and to workcollaboratively with health/social services and the voluntary and independentsector (as appropriate) 17.
Tointegrate into practice current knowledge of dementia and caring, informed byresearch and other forms of evidence 18.
To takepart in appropriate practice based evaluation, audit and research; todisseminate findings 19.
Toparticipate in negotiated circumstances in conferences, seminars and workshopsat levels to be agreed with admiral nurse clinical lead, disseminating admiralnursing work, and promoting best practice in dementia care 20.
Topromote the rights, interests, needs and choices of service users in theplanning, delivery and evaluation of care and services.21.
Tofacilitate consultation with users about service delivery; and to evaluate andprovide feedback.22.
Deliverevidence based dementia care and support improvements in the experience forfamilies affected by dementia.23.
Providesupport/education to colleagues, other health and social care professionals/providersin dementia care.24.
Supportthe delivery of key quality and performance indicators relating to dementiacare, including the experience of families.25.
Apply theAdmiral Nurse Competency framework at a specialist level, including personcentred care, therapeutic skills and triadic relationships, sharing knowledge,best practice and critical reflective practice.26.
Developand/or support, in partnership with other professionals, person centred careplans for people with dementia including positive risk management.27.
Ensurethat all legal requirements are considered and adhered to where appropriate topatients and carers including; Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of LibertySafeguards (DoLS) 2007 and Safeguarding Adults 2011.
Person Specification Skills & Attributes Essential Ability to demonstrate all of the 6 Admiral Nurse competencies: person-centred care, therapeutic skills, triadic relationship, sharing knowledge, best practice, and critical reflective practice at specialist level.
Ability to use a range of therapeutic skills Takes responsibility for own personal development.
Evidence of engaging in learning activities and professional development.
Evidence of developed communication skills.
Able to communicate effectively with a range of people on a range of matters in a form that is appropriate to them and the situation.
Evidence of an interest and enthusiasm for working with this client group Evidence of ability to work both within a team and autonomously Evidence of ability to meet changes in service needs.
Evidence of ability to keep confidentiality Desirable Mentorship experience Experience of using access database and other electronic recording systems Evidence of ability to chair meetings/discussions and make constructive contributions Experience Essential Formal knowledge of dementia/ older people acquired through clinical post-graduate training/ education - or minimum of 18 months experience of working with dementia/older people.
Experience of working with groups and individuals in different roles and settings Experience of liaising with other teams or services, for example GPs, voluntary sector services Desirable Involvement in innovative nursing practice.
Previous experience as an Admiral Nurse or CPN for older people Worked as key-worker/care coordinator or equivalent.
Experience of teaching or presenting skills Qualifications Essential Current Registration on part 3 or 13 of NMC register Willingness to work towards Level 7 qualification including the Admiral Nurse Competency Framework module Desirable Evidence of post registration training specific to dementia.
Qualification in counselling, or willingness to acquire this ENB 998 or other teaching certificate Knowledge Essential High level of knowledge about different types of dementia, clinical prognosis and complications and current care approaches.
Demonstrable knowledge of current medication options for people with dementia.
Demonstrable knowledge of carers needs and complexities of caring.
Demonstrable knowledge of person centred care approaches Demonstrable knowledge of current service provision affecting people with dementia across health and social care.
Demonstrable knowledge of National Dementia Strategy, Carer Strategy and End of Life Strategy Knowledge of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of individualised care plans.
Evidence of knowledge of current professional issues.
Relevant professional Mental Health legislation/guidance.
Basic theoretical concepts in nursing/social work.
NICE guidelines, NSF, Clinical Governance.
Desirable Degree in Dementia Studies Awareness of current research in the field.
Knowledge of family therapy approaches Awareness of current policy and guidance in dementia.
Knowledge of audit process.