Reablement Coordinator
7 months ago
Using a reablement approach the post holder will facilitate service user independence and empowerment as far as possible about existing medical conditions and disabilities and assist the service user to learn or regain skills with personal, domestic and social tasks as part of their therapeutic plan. To carry out detailed telephone and reablement assessments. Ensure that at all stages of a service users assessment and reassessment the service user and carers are kept fully informed of their rights and have access to all relevant information. To give holistic care to service users in the community, such as in the service users home, health centre / clinic and residential home.
To hold a delegated caseload commensurate with the level of expertise. To plan and organise own delegated work. To brief Team Lead on all relevant developments for each service user and to present cases for closure. To participate in a duty rota to provide care for the service users to include unsociable hours.