Care Co-ordinator
8 months ago
Key Responsibilities Provide one-to-one and group health coaching support for people with one or more long-term conditions, with the aim of: improving people’s levels of ‘activation’, empowering people to manage their own health and improve their health outcomes. Manage and prioritise a caseload, in accordance with the needs, priorities and support required by individuals in the caseload. Work as part of a multidisciplinary multi-agency team to promote health coaching and to be ambassadors for Personalised Care and Supported Self
- Management, modelling the coaching approach in their work. Ensure that GPs, practice nurses, practice pharmacists and other members of the primary care team understand the health coach role, how to refer to them, and which patients may particularly benefit from health coaching.
Support local health, social care and voluntary sector professionals to make appropriate referrals to the service. Promote and raise awareness of the health coaching service particularly to groups and communities that experience barriers to access. Attend and contribute to team, practice, and PCN meetings and events as required by the service. Work flexibly, adapting to the needs of the service and client group while maintaining the integrity of the role.
Participate in regular health coaching supervision and continual learning. (Dependant on skills and ability) Contribute to and take part in health coaching train-the-trainer workshops in order to spread health coaching skills to support a mind-set shift among staff in how they have conversations, integrating a health coaching approach into how they work with people and each other, and to strengthen a shift towards an enabling a compassionate and coaching culture in their organisation. Collect service user experience and impact of health coaching as part of the delivery of personalised care. Participate and collect information that measures the impact of health coaching as an intervention that supports embedding personalised care into local health systems e.g.
collect data entry relating to the health coaching activity in GP, Local Authority, and hospital clinical systems or other systems, as required.] Additionally, Health and Wellbeing Coaches may also want to consider evaluating people’s levels of knowledge, skills and confidence (their ‘Activation level’), using tools such as the Patient Activation Measurement (PAM). Focus on those with low levels of activation while recognising that people at other levels of activation may also benefit from health coaching. Measure the impact of the coaching provided on people’s activation level and adjust activity in response, to create a continuous improvement approach. Key Tasks Provide personalised support Meet people on one-to-one or group consultation basis, by phone, video conference, or face-to-face.
Give people time to tell their stories and focus on ‘what matters to me’; Build trust and respect with the person, providing non-judgemental and non
- discriminatory support, respecting diversity and lifestyle choices; Work from a strength-based approach focusing on a person’s assets; Use a structured framework/model approach to coach individuals across a series of session to: identify what’s important to them; set personal goals and appropriate steps; build skills and confidence to achieve goals; and use problem-solving to work through challenges; Promote health coaching, its role in self-management as a part of personalised care, in addressing health inequalities and the wider determinants of health; As part of the PCN multidisciplinary team, build relationships with staff in GP practices within the local PCN, attending relevant MDT meetings, giving information and feedback on health coaching; Be proactive in developing strong links with all local organisations to encourage referrals, recognising what they need to be confident in the service to make appropriate referrals; Work in partnership with local agencies to raise awareness of health coaching and how improving people’s knowledge, confidence and skills (patient activation) can enable them to improve their ability to manage their long-term conditions and reduce reliance on clinical services; Provide referral organisations with regular updates about health coaching, including information on how to encourage appropriate referrals; Seek regular feedback about the quality of service and impact of health coaching on referral agencies. General Tasks Work sensitively with people, their families and carers to gather key information, enabling tracking of the impact of health and wellbeing coaching on their health and wellbeing; Encourage people, their families and carers to provide feedback and to share their stories about the impact of health coaching on their lives; Support referral organisations to provide appropriate information about the person they are referring. Provide appropriate feedback to referral agencies about the people they