Fellow in Trauma
6 months ago
Description of working pattern During elective weeks the fellow will attend three outpatient clinics and three operating sessions a week with up to two further clinical activities (crossover of operating lists or clinics for other consultants). There is a 1:13 on call night rota. When on call, the registrar is non-resident after 10pm from Monday to Thursday but must be within rapid access of the hospital. After a night shift the following day is free along the guidelines of the new junior doctor contract.
The post is resident on Saturday and Sunday nights with Monday off. During the day, the registrar is part of a trauma team. All trauma cases are admitted and treated at Stoke Mandeville Hospitals. When on call, the registrar will be expected to give telephone advice to the Minor Injuries Unit at High Wycombe.
In exceptional circumstances, they may be expected to go the Wycombe Hospital personally to give advice