Ranger / Ceidwad

4 months ago

BetwsYCoed, United Kingdom National Trust Full time

**Mi fydd y cyfweliadau yn gael ei cynnal yn Dinas, wrth Betws y Coed ar y 31ain o Awst.**

**Interviews will take place at Dinas, near Betws y Coed on the 31st August.**

Ysbyty Ifan yw un o’n hystadau amaethyddol mwyaf. Mae’n cynnwys tua 20,316 erw o ucheldir godidog, sydd i gyd o fewn ffiniau Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, ac mae’n cynnwys dyffrynnoedd Machno, Eidda a rhan Uchaf Dyffryn Conwy. Mae’r ystâd yn cynnwys 51 o ffermydd a 30 o dai. Magu defaid a gwartheg bîff yw’r math o ffermio sydd yma’n bennaf, ac mae’r da byw yn gwneud yn dda ar yr ucheldir a’r rhosydd agored.

Y mae'r ystâd Ysbyty o bwysig rwyf mawr er mwyn gwarchod natur, yn gartref i nifer o’n hadar a bywyd gwyllt mwyaf prin ac y mae nifer o ardaloedd ar led yr ystâd o dan warchodaeth SSSI. Y mae'r Migneint a’r ardaloedd cyfagos yn un o’r cadarnleoedd olaf i rai o rywogaethau'r ucheldir Prydain e.eg. y Gylfinir a Chwilgorn y mynydd.

Ac yn is i lawr y dyffrynnoedd y Conwy, Eidda ac y Machno mae'r tir yn ein gofal yn rhwydwaith o ffermydd bychan teuluol a choedlannau. O dan reolaeth yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol y mae'r dirwedd wedi i’w warchod o’r gwaethaf o’r datblygiadau amaethyddol diwydiannol mwyaf. I greu cyfleoedd i natur fod yn llewyrchus ac yn ogystal â chyfleoedd i amaethyddwyr ffermio mewn modd traddodiadol ac yn agos at natur.

Ysbyty Ifan is one of our largest agricultural estates. It comprises approximately 20,316 acres of stunning uplands, all within the boundaries of Snowdonia National Park, and includes the Machno, Eidda and Upper Conwy Valleys. The estate consists of 51 farms and 30 houses. Breeding sheep and beef cattle is the main form of farming, and the livestock do well on the uplands and open moors.

The Yspyty estate is of great importance for the conservation of nature, home to several of our rarest wild birds and there are several areas throughout the estate under SSSI protection. Migneint and surrounding areas is one of the last strongholds for some of the British upland species like the Curlew and the Mountain Beetle.

Lower down the valleys, the Conwy, Eidda and the Machno, the land in our care is a network of small family farms and woods. The landscape under the management of the National Trust is where we create opportunities for nature to be prosperous and for agriculturalists to farm in a traditional manner close to nature.

What it's like to work here:Fel ceidwad yn gweithio i'r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol y bydd yn rhan o’ch swydd i warchod ac ehangu bioamrywiaeth ar ein stad. Unai drwy ein gwaith i gynnydd y nifer o goed a choedlannau ar ystâd neu ella wrth ein gwaith i wella a chynnydd ein hardaloedd o ddolydd blodau gwyllt. Bydd pob cyfle i chi weithio yn agos at natur.

Y bydd rhaid i'r ymgeisydd fod gyda'r modd i weithio yn dda ar ben ei hun, fel rhan o’r tîm, a gyda gwirfoddolwyr ac eraill o du allan y meddiant. Gyda nifer o brojectau a phartneriaethau cyffrous ar y gweill, a’r lled yr ystâd. Fel projectau Uwch Conwy lle mae ein swyddogion a’i phartneriaid wedi bod gweithio caled i leihau llifogydd ar hud yr afon Conwy.

As a Ranger working for the National Trust, it will be part of your job to conserve and expand biodiversity on our estate, through our work to increase the number of trees and woods on the estate and the improvement of our wildflower meadows. You'll have every opportunity to work close to nature.

You'll need to work well on your own, as well as as part of the team, with volunteers and others from outside the organisation. We have several exciting projects and partnerships underway across the estate, such as the Upper Conwy catchment projects where our officers and partners have been working hard to reduce flooding of the river Conwy.

What you'll be doing:You’ll be working closely with the local community and so will use your language skills in both Welsh and English daily. You’ll travel widely across the portfolio dealing with all areas of land management, from conservation and access, stonewalling and stock fencing, to cutting, mowing and spraying. There will be ample opportunity to employ your species identification skills in the field and to focus on the conservation of nature and heritage.

Byddwch yn gweithio’n agos gyda’r gymuned leol, felly bydd angen i chi wneud defnydd o’ch sgiliau Cymraeg a Saesneg yn ddyddiol. Byddwch yn teithio ar hyd a lled y portffolio yn ymwneud â phob agwedd ar reoli tir, boed hynny’n ymwneud â chadwraeth a mynediad, codi waliau cerrig neu ffensys, yn torri neu’n chwistrellu. Bydd digonedd o gyfleoedd i chi wneud defnydd o’ch sgiliau adnabod rhywogaethau yn y maes a chanolbwyntio ar gadwraeth natur a threftadaeth.

Who we're looking forOur team believe that people deserve more than just ‘good service’, but an amazing experience they’ll never forget, and we are looking for like-minded people to join us.

You’ll need to:

- Be a fluent Welsh and English speaker
- Deliver practical c

  • Ranger / Ceidwad

    3 months ago

    Betws-y-coed, United Kingdom National Trust Full time

    Ysbyty Ifan is one of our largest agricultural estates. It comprises approximately 20,316 acres of stunning uplands, all within the boundaries of Snowdonia National Park, and includes the Machno, Eidda and Upper Conwy Valley valleys. The Ysbyty Ifan estate came into our care after being transferred by the Treasury in 1951, which had obtained it in lieu of...