Third in Charge Nursery
7 days ago
Third in Charge
41.5 a week (£10.50 an hour) 4.5 days a week all year round.
This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced practitioner to be part of the senior management team and help us develop the impact programme in our award winning nursery. You will spend part of your time as a room practitioner and part of your timeacross all the rooms identifying areas of development and supporting staff with this. You will also be a key holder and on the management rota for opening and closing the building.
Intent to impact is a key part of the new inspection framework.
You will need to hold an early years qualification to at least level 3 and have at least 2 years experience working within a nursery setting.
One year of which in a room leader role or above.
You will also need to have a good theoretical knowledge of birth to 5 and development matters and be able to demonstrated how you have previously extended children's learning within the EYFS framework.
Further requirements include
- have a happy disposition and a positive attitude to your work
- always wear your Disney smile
- have a passion for childcare and supporting children's development
- strong leadership skills
- experience in peer on peer observations and supervisions
- strong knowledge and experience in safeguarding
- experience in managing conflict resolution