Le1 Linesworker

2 days ago

Dungannon, United Kingdom TLI Group Full time

Job Introduction
The LE1 Linesman/Charge-hand is employed to perform all tasks allocated by the Planned Works Coordinator in the overall function of refurbishing or replacing overhead power lines and associated works LV and or HV.

Main Responsibilities
- Implementation of the TLI Safety Charter, the Life Saving Rules and all HSQE responsibilities as stated below:

- Zero Harm Target - Home Safe Every Day
- Ensuring the quality of the works meet the Client’s Requirements
- Full responsibility for the employees assigned to you as it may relate to the health and safety of the team but also mentoring, training, communication between company and employee, adherence to basic rules, and supervision of their output including meeting the required quality standards.
- Ownership of work assigned to you, and completion of assigned works to the standard required
- Responsibility for team building, having positive working relationships and ensuring that there is respect in the work place with all colleagues, clients and members of the public.

**HSQE Responsibilities**
- Comply with the law and take responsibility for your own safety.
- Comply with and implement the TLI Group Life Saving Rules at all times, accept that these are mandatory and if broken, may result in disciplinary action up to termination of employment.
- STOP work if he/she believes that the situation is unsafe to either himself/herself or his/her co-workers.
- Comply with the Client/site EHS rules and the conditions set out in the TLI Group Health & Safety Policy, Risk assessments, EHS plan, Safe Work Plan or any other controls put in place in the interests of Safety.
- Participate in the completion of the DSRA (Daily site risk assessment) or other risk assessment, look-ahead etc.
- Co-operate and work with your employer to increase your awareness and engagement, leading to a safer and more positive working environment.
- Be familiar with and follow health and safety policies and procedures.
- Maintain your personal work area in a clean and orderly manner.
- Wear, maintain and properly store your personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Not to intentionally damage or interfere with safety equipment or other safety measures or intentionally place at risk a person at work.
- Carry out weekly vehicle and equipment inspections and submit to the recorded reports as per TLI Groups procedures.
- Report all accidents, dangerous occurrences, near misses and unsafe conditions including any defects in plant, tools or equipment. Reporting of good catches to further develop and indicate HSE awareness.
- Use with care the proper equipment and tools provided and do not use plant or equipment for work for which it was not intended or if not trained or experienced to use it.
- Attend and participate in safety training, assessments and briefings.
- Not to work while fatigued or under the influence of alcohol, drugs/ prescription medication which may impair your ability to work safely.
- Not to engage in “horseplay”.

- Site set up and exclusion zones
- Comply with specific duties relating to the role as per the NIE Electrical Safety Rules.
- Complete the Daily Site Risk Assessment, communicate to the crew and any persons who may join or visit his or her work unit during the course of the work.
- Greet and engage with any visitor, crew member or any other persons and not to permit anyone into the work area until the DSRA and safety controls are fully briefed to them.
- Undertake the Daily LUGS, recording them on the scan logs and communicating to all involved in the works area.
- Deliver a summary of the daily whiteboard meeting to the crew members.
- In delivery of the required daily works ascertain the required permission from their line manager prior to entering any private property.
- You will be required to record all works completed ensuring that a true and accurate account is recorded for payment.

**Key Operational Responsibilities**
- Climb poles, towers in a safe and professional manor, utilising MEWP, ladders, scaffold as and when required.
- Carry out maintenance, repair and refurbishment of LV/HV lines as directed and capable to do so.
- Utilise all equipment necessary for working on Overhead lines network as detailed in the SOP’s and training manual
- Responsible for Self and Colleagues compliance to HSQE,
- Carry out pole top rescue as required.
- Supervise, mentor, train and support employees assigned to you, and assess work performed by employees that form your team.
- Advise your supervisor of any absences on your team (excluding Annual Leave), and any performance concerns regarding the productivity, quality and health and safety practices of employees assigned to your carer - whether on a permanent or temporary basis.

**General Responsibilities**:

- Team work - working as a team, taking responsibility for each other and for working in a manner that does not cause an unnecessary hindrance or unreasonably increase the work load