Consultant Gatsroenterology

6 months ago

Chertsey, United Kingdom Ashford & St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Full time

MAIN DUTIES OF THE POST Deliver Clinical, Educational, Managerial Services of the highest professional standard at Consultant Level to the Department Work with existing consultants and the multi-disciplinary team to provide a high quality well-led service for patients of Ashford & St Peters, including the diagnosis, investigations, treatment and management of patients, in accordance with Trust policies and practices. Deliver Direct Clinical Care to patients, through all parts of the Department assisting clinical decision-making and sharing equally in the workload. The Consultant team will provide comprehensive senior clinical cover to the Department. To deliver quality care for Gastroenterology patients within the Gastroenterology department in a team with the other Gastroenterology Consultants.

To triage referrals to the Gastroenterology Department To provide excellent care for patients undergoing endoscopy To take part in teaching and supervision of junior doctors and medical students. To participate in the Gastroenterology/Endoscopy seven day on-call service To support service development, audit and other clinical governance activity; to ensure compliance with JAG quality measures. Any changes will be by negotiation and will be reflected in the job plans of the team. Have a continuing responsibility for the care of patients in his/her charge, ensuring safe handover as appropriate.

Engage fully with the care of patients outside the department and provide a prompt opinion on request from consultant colleagues in other specialties. Engage with medical, nursing, management and all relevant co-workers in the delivery of department objectives: to provide clinical leadership, improve the patient experience; ensure the highest quality clinical care. Actively participate in and support other staff with education, research, audit and clinical governance activities involving a multi-disciplinary workforce across the department Participate in the professional training of the staff in the department, both medical and non-medical, and contribute as required to teaching sessions for other hospital staff as well as undergraduate and postgraduate staff, including supervision of junior medical staff. Teaching and training will require verification of teaching certification Support recruitment, appraisal, development and mentoring activities to a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional team.

Undertake any other duties appropriate for a consultant. LEARNING, DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH The Trust encourages and supports consultants with a special interest to develop their interest, where it meets department objectives, and can be audited and reviewed, and provide learning opportunities for other staff. Participate in clinical audit activities of the department and hospitals, ensuring record-keeping is effective. Undertake research and develop special interests within the limits of clinical and service workload.

Undertake continuing medical education internally and externally with study leave entitlement as appropriate. SUPPORTING PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (SPA): ASPH is committed to ensuring that all Consultants have two dedicated SPAs within their job plan. Specific responsibilities will be developed on appointment and according to areas of interest, but Supporting Professional Activities (SPAs) are intended to include Audit, research, and local clinical governance activity Formal teaching and preparation (e.g., giving lectures, seminars) Post-graduate teaching, and training (e.g., of junior doctors, medical students) external teaching and education delivery (e.g., ATLS, APLS) Clinical management, attendance at departmental and trust meetings Appraisal, Job planning and rota organisation Service development, quality improvement work, Major incident planning SPA activity will be scheduled based on individual preference, and to meet the needs of the service. 4.3 THE JOB PLAN The Job Plan has 8.5 PAs of Direct Clinical Care (DCC) (including 0.5 PA for out of hours GI bleed cover) and 2 Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) which will be organised on a 6-week rota.

The rota allows for consultants to alternate working on busy and less busy days in order to equalise workloads. A specific job plan will be agreed with the appointed consultant and to meet the needs of the service. The Job Plan will be reviewed annually Ward week. Sat 1.66 PAs 8am 1pm & out of hours on call for GI bleeds.

Ward Week AM PM Monday Ward Round 1 PA In-reach (CAU/other wards) 0.5 PA In hours GI bleed 0.75 PA Tuesday Ward Round 1 PA In-reach (CAU/other wards) 0.5 PA In hours GI bleed 0.75 PA Wednesday Ward Round 1 PA In-reach (CAU/other wards) 0.5 PA In hours GI bleed 0.75 PA Thursday Ward Round 1 PA In-reach (CAU/other wards) 0.5 PA In hours GI bleed 0.75 PA Friday Ward Round 1 PA In-reach (CAU/other wards) 0.5 PA In hours GI bleed 0.75 PA Saturday Ward Round (Gastro Ward) & In reach 1.66PA Sunday Ward Round (Gastro Ward) & In reach 1.66PA Weeks 2-6 AM