Arweinydd Tîm
6 months ago
**Job**:Arweinydd Tîm - Glanhau Strydoedd /team Leader - Street Cleansing**:
**Job Ref**:RE-1575**:
**Salary**:£34,834.00 - To: £38,223.00**:
**Job Scale**:Gradd 7 / Grade 7**:
**Job Hours**:37 Awr / 37 Hours**:
**Location**:Uned 20, Ystâd Ddiwydiannol Pentrebach/Unit 20, Pentrebach Industrial Estate**:
1 Year Fixed Term
Responsible for leading a dedicated street cleansing team, ensuring the cleanliness and maintenance of public spaces are adhered to LEAMS (Local Environmental Asset Management System) standards, overseeing the removal of fly-tipped waste and handling public and Councillor complaints. Additionally, you will represent the department at meetings, fostering effective communication and collaboration with various stakeholders.
For further information please contact Robert Barnett on 01685 725000.
You will be required to provide evidence of all qualifications specified as essential
Ability to speak Welsh is desirable.
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council is committed to protecting and safeguarding the most vulnerable people in our community. Rigorous pre-employment checks are undertaken for all appointments as part of our recruitment and selection process.
All employees are required to comply with their individual and organisational responsibilities under the Data Protection Act, the Information Security Policy and relevant supporting operational policies. Any matters of a confidential nature must not be disclosed or passed to any unauthorised persons or third party under any circumstance either during or after employment except in the proper course of your employment or as required by law, Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council or both. Any breach of confidentiality may lead to disciplinary action.