Head of Mfl
6 days ago
Job title**:Head of MFL**
Responsible to: Headteacher, line managed by Deputy Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher where appropriate
Responsible for: Student progress and achievement
Support staff assigned to the area
The effective leadership of the Curriculum Area.
Salary/grade Leadership Scale Points 3 - 5
**Main purpose**:
- To effectively lead and manage the Curriculum Area.
- To be a role model for outstanding classroom practice.
- Ensure that students achieve to the best of their potential.
- Use data effectively to identify areas of weakness and plan appropriate interventions.
- Support other Curriculum Area members to use data effectively to identify areas of weakness and plan and execute challenging and differentiated lessons.
- Maintain high academic standards.
- Nurture a team ethos within the Curriculum Area which is mutually challenging and supportive.
- Maintain a curriculum which is appropriate, challenging and inspirational.
- Carry out the duties of school teacher as set down in the teacher’s Pay and Conditions documents.
**Main tasks**:
**1. Student Achievement**
- Monitor the progress of all students within the Curriculum Area by rigorous and thorough analysis of each data collection.
- Ensure that staff are assessing student progress accurately and robustly by setting regular
Assessment Tasks across each year group. Ensure that the assessments are moderated to ensure reliable data is used for analysis.
- Identify underachievement and with Curriculum Area members establish action plans to improve progress, share these plans with Curriculum Area members and oversee implementation. Monitor the impact of these interventions.
- Ensure that all colleagues are confident with using the available class data to inform lesson planning to ensure that progress can be made in every lesson.
- Ensure that all students have access to their target and current level/grade/flight path.
- Liaise with other Curriculum Leaders, Subject Leaders, Raising Standards Leaders and the SENCo to support intervention plans.
- Ensure that praise and sanction systems are applied consistently to reinforce positive learning experiences for students.
- Implement monitoring, assessment, recording and reporting procedures in line with Academy
**2. Teaching and Learning**
- Ensure that productive discussions of effective teaching strategies are central to the work of the faculty. All members of the Curriculum Area should be expected to be reflective practitioners who regularly review their own and colleagues practice in a constructively, critical way.
- Ensure that schemes of learning are regularly reviewed and updated to provide challenge, differentiation and progress for pupils
- Actively promote the Ramsey Runway 10 as the basis for good/outstanding teaching and learning.
- Use the most current data to inform the placement of students in appropriate classes which will support progress in their learning.
- Provide guidance for colleagues on how to deliver the curriculum to pupils of differing abilities.
- Ensure that the Curriculum Area keeps up to date with national and local developments and be prepared to share good practice within the college and beyond.
- Ensure that the Curriculum Area implements the delivery of cross-curricular issues; literacy, numeracy, SMSC, ICT.
- Ensure that quality homework is set and marked in accordance with Academy Policy.
- Ensure that students work is regularly assessed and that all students have clear indications about how to make progress which they are responding to.
**3. Monitoring and Evaluation**
- To monitor and evaluate the curriculum to be delivered, all aspects of teaching and learning, assessment, recording and reporting, planning at all levels and the implementation of the
Curriculum Area development plan through: o Teaching & Learning Reviews o Assessment Reviews o Learning Walks o Moderating assessment tasks o Data analysis o Response to Ofsted or Internal Self Reviews
- Work with SLT to carry out periodic Internal Self Reviews.
**4. Strategy and planning for improvement**
Curriculum Area) which supports the School Improvement Plan and addresses any issues within the
- Report back on progress made in implementing the Curriculum Area Improvement Plan to SLT and
Governors as required.
**5. Student work ethos and behaviour**
- Promote a positive profile of the Curriculum Area across the school and seek to ensure that students are motivated and enthusiastic when learning in the Curriculum Area.
- Take responsibility in dealing with problems of discipline within the Curriculum Area in accordance to Academy policies.
**6. Parental involvement**
- Ensure that all colleagues within the Curriculum Area contact parents appropriately in line with the
Behaviour Policy.
- Respond to parental enquiry within 2 school days.
- Ensure that colleagues attend relevant parents’ evenings.
**7. Staffing leader