Xvideo & Podcast Editor Til Presidents Summit
1 week ago
- Trives du i et tempofyldt miljø, hvor du får et enormt ansvar? Vil du være en del af et ekstraordinært iværksætterteam med unge, motiverede og ekstremt drevne danskere? Og er du nysgerrig på eller passioneret omkring video redigering? I så fald er du muligvis vores næste Video & Podcast Editor._
**Presidents Summit**:
Presidents Summit er Nordeuropas førende business konference, hvor vi hvert år byder velkommen til 3.000+ ledere, iværksættere, investorer og poltikkere fra 50+ lande, dermed skaber Presidents Summit en global business community for nutidens og fremtidens ledere.
I mere end et årti har Presidents Summit budt velkommen til verdensførende eksperter som Bill Clinton, Steve Wozniak, Sir Richard Branson, Gary Vaynerchuk blandt 130+ andre for at skabe et netværk fyldt med læring, inspiration og spirende netværksmuligheder i selskab med verdens bedste talere.
**Hvad vi tilbyder dig**:
Som vores Video & Podcast Editor får du muligheden for, at være med til at bygge Nordeuropas førende business konference. Ved at give dig ejerskab over vores lead generering vil vi konstant skubbe dig ud af din komfortzone. Du vil arbejde fra vores HQ i London og for at sikre en kontinuerlig vækstkurve, giver vi dig:
- Muligheden for at få operationel erfaring i en startup, hvor både dit arbejde og resultaterne er meget håndgribelige og virkelig betyder noget for virksomheden
- Chancen for at arbejde tæt sammen med vores CEO på vores marketingstrategi
- Ubegrænset vækstpotentiale i vores virksomhed, vi tror stærkt på og har en track record for at forfremme internt
**Dine ansvarsområder**:
Dine ansvarsområder vil variere; men de vil blandt andet omhandle:
- Skabe content strategier på tværs af vores SoMe kanaler
- Proaktivt at skabe historier og ideer indenfor Content Marketing
- Optage webinars, konferencer, interviews, meetings etc. ift. at skabe mikro og makro content på baggrund af dette
- Skabe spændende og lærerigt content til at dele på tværs af vores SoMe kanaler
- Altid lede efter muligheder hvorpå vi kan forbedre vores content marketing
**Hvad vi forventer af dig**:
Du har en uovertruffen arbejdsmoral med en høj forståelse for urgency. Du har et enormt drive og et ønske om at være den allerbedste til det, du gør. Du tager ejerskab på alt, hvad du gør, er proaktiv og pligtopfyldende. Dertil er du ydmyg, og du deler vores passion for at bygge nye virksomheder. Derudover forventer vi, at du:
- Har +2 års erfaring inden for sociale medier med stærke og synlige resultater til følge
- Har EU arbejdstilladelse
- Har et skarpt øje for æstetik og detaljer
- Er komfortabel med design software og teknologi
- Er flydende i dansk og engelsk både skriftligt og mundtligt
- Er en fremragende formidler
Så hurtigt som muligt.
**Om os**:
- Presidents Summit blev stiftet med formålet om at skabe en platform for erhvervsledere, iværksættere, investorer og poltikkere for at dele inspiration og viden samt netværke på tværs af erhvervslivet i Nordeuropa. I dag sidder vi 10+ danskere (and counting) i London, som en del af en investeringsfond stiftet af to danske serieiværksættere Mads Faurholt og Stefan Bruun, hvor ambitionen er at vækste Presidents Summit til en 8.000+ personer konference i København samt udvide konceptet til andre byer verdenen over - dermed skaber vi en global platform for business._
Video & Podcast Editor at Presidents Summit
1 week ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about video editing? If so, you might be our Video & Podcast Editor._ **About us**: Presidents Summit is Northern...
Editor at Presidents Summit
1 week ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about finding or creating great stories and content? If so, you might be our Editor. **About us** "Presidents...
Senior Editor at Presidents Summit
7 months ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about finding or creating great stories and content? If so, you might be our Senior Editor. **About...
Telemarketer at Presidents Summit
1 week ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about sales? If so, you might be our next Telemarketer. **About us** "Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's...
Writer at Presidents Summit
1 week ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about finding or creating great stories and content? If so, you might be our Writer. **About us** "Presidents...
Head of Graphics at Presidents Summit
5 days ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full time**Description**: "Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business conference, connecting 3,000+ leaders, entrepreneurs, investors and policymakers from 50+ countries providing a global business community for today's and tomorrow's leaders. For more than a decade, Presidents Summit has welcomed world-leading experts such as Bill Clinton, Steve...
Telemarketer at Presidents Summit
2 days ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about sales? If so, you might be our next Telemarketer. **About us** "Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's...
Cfo at Presidents Summit
1 week ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about finance? If so, you might be our CFO. **About us** Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business...
Cfo at Presidents Summit
1 week ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about finance? If so, you might be our Business Controller. **About us** "Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's...
Cfo at Presidents Summit
7 months ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about finance? If so, you might be our CFO. **About us** Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business...
Controller at Presidents Summit
7 months ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about finance? If so, you might be our Controller. **About us** Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading...
Recruiter at Presidents Summit
1 week ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about people? If so, you might be our next Recruiter. **About us** "Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading...
Sdr at Presidents Summit
7 months ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with motivated and extremely driven people? Are you curious or passionate about creating events? If so, you might be our SDR. ***: **About us**: Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business...
Recruiter at Presidents Summit
7 months ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about people? If so, you might be our next Recruiter. **About us**: "Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading...
Cro at Presidents Summit
7 months ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with motivated and extremely driven people? Are you curious or passionate about creating events? If so, you might be our CRO. **About us**: Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business...
Marketing Internship
2 days ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeAre you looking for a 4-month internship starting as soon as possible? We have good news for you. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, looking for an internship in a fast-paced company, this would be your opportunity of being part of our marketing department at Presidents Summit. **About us** Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business...
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full time**About us** "Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business conference, connecting 3,000+ leaders, entrepreneurs, investors and policymakers from 50+ countries providing a global business community for today's and tomorrow's leaders. For more than a decade, Presidents Summit has welcomed world-leading experts such as Bill Clinton, Steve Wozniak,...
Website Lead at Presidents Summit
2 days ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about people? If so, you might be our next (job). **About us** Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business conference, connecting 3,000+ leaders,...
Webpage Lead at Presidents Summit
2 days ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about people? If so, you might be our next Webpage Lead. **About us** Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's leading business conference, connecting 3,000+ leaders,...
Finance Junior at Presidents Summit
2 days ago
London, United Kingdom Presidents Summit Full timeDo you thrive in a fast-paced environment, where you gain a tremendous amount of responsibility? Do you want to be part of an exceptional entrepreneurial team with young, motivated and extremely driven people? And are you curious or passionate about finance? If so, you might be our Business Controller. **About us** "Presidents Summit is Northern Europe's...