Property Curator

2 months ago

Welshpool, United Kingdom National Trust Full time

This is a brilliant opportunity to work at one of the National Trust's top Treasure Houses.

Powis Castle and Garden is at a significant point socially and culturally, and we're looking for the right person to drive curatorial excellence and ambition at this fabulous property.


Dyma gyfle gwych i weithio yn un o brif Dai Trysor yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol. Mae Castell a Gardd Powis ar bwynt sylweddol yn gymdeithasol ac yn ddiwylliannol, ac rydym yn chwilio am y person iawn i yrru rhagoriaeth ac uchelgais curadurol yn yr eiddo gwych hwn.

What it's like to work here:This world-famous medieval fortress is set among magnificent formal gardens, terraces and parkland, making Powis Castle an awe-inspiring place to work. The strong team is passionate about local sourcing, with delicious seasonal produce served in the restaurant and bespoke Welsh products sold in the shop. The impressive collection of paintings, tapestries and sculptures is one of the property’s key attractions, alongside a busy programme of events.

Click here for more information about this location

**Sut brofiad yw gweithio yma**

Mae'r gaer ganoloesol fyd-enwog hon wedi'i gosod ymhlith gerddi ffurfiol godidog, terasau a pharcdir, gan wneud Castell Powis yn lle awchus i weithio. Mae'r tîm cryf yn frwd dros gyrchu'n lleol, gyda chynnyrch tymhorol blasus wedi ei weini yn y bwyty a chynnyrch Cymreig pwrpasol a werthir yn y siop. Mae'r casgliad trawiadol o baentiadau, tapestrïau a cherfluniau yn un o atyniadau allweddol yr eiddo, ochr yn ochr â rhaglen brysur o ddigwyddiadau. Cliciwch yma i gael mwy o wybodaeth am y lleoliad hwn

What you'll be doing:You'll support the General Manager in the delivery of collections care, the development and delivery of innovative and high-quality audience engagement focussed on the house and collection, also championing the historic significance and understanding of the whole property. This will be through a mixture of participation, partnerships and collaboration, and will have inclusivity at its heart, working closely with the Property Leadership Team. As a key member of the Property Leadership Team, you'll be involved in developing and delivering the Property Business and strategic 10-year plans. You may be required to deputise for the General Manager and act as Duty Manager.

**Eich gwaith**

Byddwch yn cefnogi'r Rheolwr Cyffredinol wrth ddarparu gofal casgliadau, datblygu a darparu ymgysylltu â'r gynulleidfa arloesol ac o ansawdd uchel sy'n canolbwyntio ar y tŷ a'r casgliad, gan hyrwyddo arwyddocâd a dealltwriaeth hanesyddol yr eiddo cyfan. Bydd hyn drwy gymysgedd o gymryd rhan, partneriaethau a chydweithio, a bydd ganddo gynwysoldeb wrth ei galon, gan weithio'n agos gyda'r Tîm Arwain Eiddo. Fel aelod allweddol o'r Tîm Arwain Eiddo, byddwch yn rhan o ddatblygu a chyflwyno'r Cynlluniau Busnes Eiddo a chynlluniau 10 mlynedd strategol. Gallwch ddirprwyo ar gyfer y Rheolwr Cyffredinol a gweithredu fel rheolwr ar ddyletswydd.
- In-depth understanding and experience of working with historic collections and properties
- Good experience of collections management and care, and understanding of taking an informed and holistic approach to conservation management
- Experience of team leadership, with a strong understanding of how to work collaboratively
- Ability to lead for innovative, inclusive, and accessible histories and interpretation and the aptitude to set this within a current and future social, environmental and economic landscapes
- Capability to undertake, lead on, interpret, and respond to external and internal research, intelligence, and analysis.
- Relevant formal academic / professional / vocational qualifications in Art History, Museum Studies and related fields
- Strong leadership: co-creating a cross property vision that everyone buys into
- A passionate advocate for the property vision with the ability to stand fast to that vision

**Am bwy ydym ni'n chwilio
- Dealltwriaeth a phrofiad manwl o weithio gyda chasgliadau ac eiddo hanesyddol
- Profiad da o reoli a gofal casgliadau, a dealltwriaeth o gymryd agwedd wybodus a chyfannol at reoli cadwraeth
- Profiad o arweinyddiaeth tîm, gyda dealltwriaeth gref o sut i weithio ar y cyd
- Y gallu i arwain ar gyfer hanesion a dehongli arloesol, cynhwysol, a hygyrch a'r dawn i osod hyn o fewn tirweddau cymdeithasol, amgylcheddol ac economaidd presennol ac yn y dyfodol
- Gallu i ymgymryd â, arwain ar, dehongli, ac ymateb i ymchwil allanol a mewnol, deallusrwydd, a dadansoddi.
- Cymwysterau academaidd / proffesiynol / galwedigaethol perthnasol mewn Hanes Celf, Astudiaethau'r Amgueddfa a meysydd cysylltiedig
- Arweinyddiaeth gref: cyd-greu gweledigaeth draws-eiddo y mae pawb yn ei brynu i mewn i
- Eiriolwr angerddol dros y weledigaeth eiddo gyda'r gallu i sefyll yn gyflym i'r weledigaeth honno

The packageThe National Trust has the motto ‘For everyone, for ever’ at its heart. We’re working hard to create an inclusive culture, where