Venture Into Cyber Bootcamp

4 months ago

Cardiff, United Kingdom Venture Graduates Full time

**LOCATION**: Cardiff

**EMPLOYER NAME**: Venture Graduates


**SALARY**: 20k/year - 50k/year

**Venture into Cyber Bootcamp: Ignite Your Career with Cyber Innovations Hub
Are you a recent graduate with a passion for cybersecurity? Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey with the Venture into Cyber Bootcamp, brought to you by Cyber Innovations Hub. This transformative program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.

Modules included:
Week 1: Cyber security fundamentals.

You will learn about what cyber security is, and why we need it. From password security to social engineering

Week 2: Security by Design

You will learn about how to understand risk fundamentals to digital systems, and how they are vulnerable - beginning to learn more technical details about cyber-attacks.

Week 3: Applied Ethical Hacking and System Security

You will use the knowledge gained to get hands on with systems security, performing security assessments, identifying vulnerabilities, and deploying security controls

Why choose the Venture into Cyber Bootcamp?

Practical and industry-relevant curriculum

Expert instructors with extensive experience

Hands-on learning and real-world projects

Collaborative and dynamic learning environment

Networking opportunities with industry professionals

Comprehensive support and career guidance

Guaranteed interview with an ambitious business in South-East Wales

Computer Science Degree (2:1 and above)

***Have Graduated by September 2023

Availability to attend the boot camp full-time in September

Spaces are limited, so act swiftly Your journey to becoming a cybersecurity professional begins here. Join us at the Venture into Cyber Bootcamp and embrace a future filled with endless possibilities.

**Mentro i Bwtcamp Seiber: Taniwch Eich Gyrfa gyda Hyb Arloesedd Seiber**

Ydych chi wedi graddio’n ddiweddar ac yn angerddol am seiberddiogelwch? Dyma gychwyn taith gyffrous gyda’r Venture into Cyber Bootcamp gan Cyber Innovations Hub. Mae'r rhaglen drawsnewidiol hon wedi'i chynllunio i roi’r sgiliau a'r wybodaeth hanfodol sydd eu hangen arnoch i ffynnu ym myd seiberddiogelwch, sy'n esblygu'n barhaus.

Ymhlith y modiwlau mae:
Wythnos 1: Hanfodion seiberddiogelwch

Byddwch yn dysgu beth yw seiberddiogelwch, a pham mae ei angen arnom. O ddiogelwch cyfrineiriau i beiriannu cymdeithasol.

Wythnos 2: Diogelu drwy Ddylunio

Byddwch yn dysgu sut i ddeall hanfodion risg i systemau digidol, a sut maent yn agored i niwed - gan ddechrau dysgu mwy o fanylion technegol am ymosodiadau seiber.

Wythnos 3: Hacio Moesegol Cymhwysol a Diogelwch Systemau

Byddwch yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth rydych chi wedi’i chael i wneud gwaith ymarferol ar ddiogelwch systemau, cynnal asesiadau diogelwch, nodi gwendidau, a defnyddio rheolaethau diogelwch

Pam dewis y Venture into Cyber Bootcamp?

Cwricwlwm ymarferol sy’n berthnasol i’r diwydiant

Cyfarwyddwyr arbenigol sydd â phrofiad helaeth

Dysgu ymarferol a phrosiectau ‘byd go iawn’

Amgylchedd dysgu cydweithredol a deinamig

Cyfleoedd rhwydweithio gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol y diwydiant

Cefnogaeth gynhwysfawr ac arweiniad gyrfaol

Sicrwydd o gyfweliad gyda busnes uchelgeisiol yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru

Gradd mewn Cyfrifiadureg

***Wedi graddio yn 2023

Ar gael i fynychu'r gwersyll yn llawn-amser ym mis Medi

Peidiwch â cholli'r cyfle i roi hwb i'ch gyrfa yn y maes seiberddiogelwch deinamig. Gwnewch gais nawr i sicrhau lle yn y Venture into Cyber Bootcamp gan Cyber Innovations Hub Taniwch eich potensial a chymryd cam at ddyfodol llwyddiannus.

Dim ond hyn a hyn o lefydd sydd ar gael, felly peidiwch ag oedi Mae eich taith i ddod yn weithiwr seiberddiogelwch proffesiynol yn dechrau yma. Ymunwch â ni yn Venture into Cyber Bootcamp a chofleidiwch ddyfodol o bosibiliadau diddiwedd.