School Cleaner

4 months ago

Welshpool, United Kingdom Powys County Council Full time

School Cleaner (Generic) (Ysgol Gymraeg Y Trallwng)

Job description

Welsh language skills are essential

Powys County Council currently applies a discretionary real living Wage supplement to all employees earning less than £12.00 per hour.

Glanhwr/wraig / Cleaner

 15 awr / 15 hours

(Cyfnod penodol i ddechrau / Fixed term contract to start)

Dyddiad cau'r cais 24/06/2024 Closing Date

Dyddiad Cychwyn- Medi 1af, 2024 / September 1st, 2024- Start Date

Ysgol Gymraeg Y Trallwng, ysgol gynradd sy’n ysgogi a chefnogi pawb sy’n ynghlwm â’r ysgol mewn modd creadigol, torfol a byrlymus. Mae’r ysgol yn cynnig profiadau newydd, gwerthfawr ac unigryw sy’n sicrhau profiadau dysgu arloesol a difyr. Mae’r staff yn gofalu’n gydwybodol a theyrngar am eu disgyblion ac mae’r disgyblion yn teimlo’n ddiogel ym mhob achos. Mae’r ysgol yn canolbwyntio ar ysgogi pob disgybl i fod yn fedrus a deallus, yn ogystal â datblygu’r staff yn broffesiynol. Mae ffocws angerddol ar yr iaith a’r ymdeimlad o berthyn wrth hybu a ffynnu’r Iaith Gymraeg yn y Trallwng. Yn dilyn adroddiad Estyn llwyddiannus ac adeilad newydd ar y gweill, mae dyfodol disglair iawn o’n blaenau.

Ysgol Gymraeg Y Trallwng, a primary school that stimulates and supports all those involved with the school in a creative, collective, and energetic way. The school offers new, valuable, and unique experiences that ensure innovative and enjoyable learning experiences. Staff care conscientiously and loyally for their pupils and pupils feel safe in all cases. The school focuses on motivating all pupils to be skilled and intelligent, as well as developing the staff professionally. There is a passionate focus on the language and the sense of belonging in promoting the Welsh language in Welshpool. Following a successful Estyn report and a new building in the pipeline, there is a very bright future ahead.

Mae llywodraethwyr Ysgol Gymraeg y Trallwng yn awyddus i benodi Glanhawraig ysbrydoledig, brwdfrydig ac ymroddedig ar gyfer yr ysgol flaengar a chynhwysol hon.

The governors of Ysgol Gymraeg y Trallwng are keen to appoint an enthusiastic, hardworking, and committed Cleaner in Charge for this progressive and inclusive school.

Mae’r ysgol yn ymroddedig i ddiogelu a hyrwyddo lles pawb. Mae’r swydd yn destun cyfeiriadau boddhaol, DBS manylach a phob cliriad perthnasol arall.

The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all. The post is subject to satisfactory references, enhanced DBS, and all other relevant clearances.

Mae croeso i’r ymgeiswyr drafod y swydd efo’r Pennaeth drwy gysylltu ag Angharad Davies

Candidates are welcome to discuss the post with the Headteacher by contacting Angharad Davies