Ranger / Ceidwad

3 months ago

Caernarfon, Gwynedd, United Kingdom National Trust Full time
This is a fantastic opportunity to work in the heart of Eryri. Working in some of the nation's most stunning places and spaces, come rain or shine, your love of the outdoors will inspire others as you strive to ensure that landscapes are beautifully presented and continue to take our visitors' breath away.

**The ability to communicate fluently in Welsh is essential for this role.**

Dyma gyfle gwych i weithio yng nghanol Eryri. Gan weithio yn rhai o leoedd a mannau mwyaf godidog y wlad, waeth beth yw'r tywydd, bydd eich cariad tuag at yr awyr agored yn ysbrydoli eraill a byddwch yn ymdrechu i sicrhau bod tirluniau'n cael eu harddangos ar eu gorau ac yn parhau i syfrdanu ymwelwyr.

**Mae'r gallu i gyfathrebu'n rhugl yn y Gymraeg yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon.**

What it's like to work here:Day-to-day you will be a part of the National Trust Ranger team, based at Craflwyn (near Beddgelert). Your primary focus will be working with volunteers and engaging with people visiting the area, encouraging them to enjoy their surroundings in a responsible way.

There can be no doubt that the area you will work in is stunning, but conditions in the mountains can be harsh. You'll spend considerable time outdoors all year 'round, so you must be prepared for all types of weather, have good experience working outdoors, and be resilient and willing to adapt your plans to work with the weather of the day.

O ddydd i ddydd byddwch yn rhan o dîm Ceidwaid yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol yng Nghraflwyn (ger Beddgelert). Eich prif ddyletswydd fydd gweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr ac ymgysylltu gydag ymwelwyr er mwyn eu hannog i fwynhau eu hamgylchedd mewn ffordd gyfrifol.

Does dim amheuaeth y bydd yr ardal y byddwch yn gweithio ynddi yn odidog, ond gall yr amodau ar y mynyddoedd fod yn arw. Byddwch yn treulio cryn dipyn o amser yn yr awyr agored gydol y flwyddyn, felly mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn barod am bob math o dywydd, meddu ar brofiad da o weithio yn yr awyr agored, a bod yn wydn ac yn barod i addasu eich cynlluniau er mwyn gweithio gyda'r tywydd ar y diwrnod.

What you'll be doing:With your endless passion for our work, you'll help with the protection and care of habitats and wildlife. We want you to be out and about engaging with visitors, making time to talk to them, not rushing away to the next task.

Spending much of your time in Nant Gwynant, you will encourage people to enjoy their surroundings in a responsible way. You'll have a good knowledge of the local area, in order to direct visitors and share interesting stories about the area's nature, culture and history. You'll promote the work that we do here, ensuring special places like these are here to be both protected and enjoyed by everyone.

You'll organise and lead on volunteering opportunities, including completing risk assessments, volunteer recruitment, practical arrangements, recording of volunteer activity and report on work completed.

You'll work with "Caru Eryri" partners to identify new work opportunities and help support the practical partnership team by attending regular meetings, planning rotas and supporting volunteer leaders.

You will unsure our facilities (car-parks, toilets, tree nursery) are presentable and working properly over the weekend and report any issues to the Ranger team or Facilities Manager.

Occasionally you will be asked to help on the wider estate with practical tasks from fencing and dry-stone walling to tree planting and managing invasive species.

The role will involve an element of lone working at times, so you must be confident, self motivated and willing to follow agreed procedure to ensure your own safety.

**In this role, the weekly work pattern will be from Thursday to Monday.**

**Please also read the full role profile, attached to this advert.**

Gydag awch am ein gwaith, byddwch yn helpu i amddiffyn ac i ofalu am fywyd gwyllt a chynefinoedd. Rydym eisiau i chi ymgysylltu ag ymwelwyr, gan wneud amser i siarad â nhw a pheidio â brysio ymlaen at y dasg nesaf.

Drwy wario llawer o'ch amser yn Nant Gwynant, byddwch yn annog pobl i fwynhau eu hamgylchedd mewn ffordd gyfrifol. Bydd angen gwybodaeth dda o'r ardal leol arnoch, er mwyn cyfeirio ymwelwyr a rhannu storïau diddorol am natur, diwylliant a hanes yr ardal. Byddwch hefyd yn hyrwyddo'r gwaith rydyn ni'n ei wneud yma, gan sicrhau bod lleoedd arbennig fel hyn yn cael eu mwynhau a'u diogelu gan bawb.

Byddwch yn trefnu ac yn arwain cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli, gan gynnwys cwblhau asesiadau risg, recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr, trefniadau ymarferol, cofnodi gwaith gwirfoddolwyr ac adrodd ar waith sydd wedi cwblhau.

Byddwch yn gweithio â phartneriaid Caru Eryri i adnabod cyfleodd gwaith newydd ac i gefnogi'r tîm partneriaethau ymarferol drwy fynychu cyfarfodydd rheolaidd, cynllunio rhestrau dyletswyddau a chefnogi arweinwyr gwirfoddol.

Byddwch yn sicrhau bod ein cyfleusterau (maes parcio, toiledau, meithrinfa goed) yn weddus ac yn gweith